Рейтинг компании:


Официальный сайт: https://trendhot.org

Телефон: +44-79-0889-9841

Адрес: 220 The Vale, London, England, NW11 8SR

Email: [email protected]

О компании


TRENDHOT is an investment company from the UK, we embrace the trend and offer investment strategies according to the new trend of the market, including cryptocurrency trading, forex trading and gold trading.

With the money that investors spend to deposit in TRENDHOT’s fund, we always guarantee a commitment to pay and balance the reserve fund so that everything is balanced, we will try to bring it back. The best income for you is based on the level of trust you have with us. This investment site is created to attract potential investors, all competitive advantages of online deposit will be abolished when it comes to trendhot, your money will be hot trend again.

Один комментарий

  1. Конченые твари! Жалеть буду до конца своих дней, что повёлся на эту херню! Желаю той гниде которая меня консультировала так же сложно работать для погашение кредита непонятно на что взятого!


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